December 10, 2012

The next CDT Seminar will be held Monday, December 10th, at the Petit Science Center in PSC124. Please join us to hear Dr. Ming Su from the Purdue University. His talk is entitled “Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nanoparticles”.

Dr. Ming Su is a tenured associate professor at University of Central Florida. His major research interest is bio-nanotechnology, diagnostic and therapeutic nanoparticles, and advanced materials. He has pioneered the use of phase change nanoparticles in a range of applications including biosensing and biological heat transfer. He has received several awards such as a Career Award from National Science Foundation, a Director’s New Innovator Award from National Institute of Health, a New Investigator Awards from Department of Justice, and a Concept Award from Department of Defense. He obtained a PhD in materials science and engineering from Northwestern University in 2004. After working at bioscience division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a Eugene P Wigner Fellow, he joined NanoScience Technology Center at University of Central Florida as an assistant professor in 2006. In his independent career, he has gained over 4M research funds, advised research works of 8 graduate students from engineering, chemistry and biology, and published 30-40 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

You will also have the opportunity to hear Fellow Graduate, Ying Zhang, give a talk.

There will be a Meet and Greet at 12:45pm with coffee and cookies.

I look forward to seeing you there,

Jenny J. Yang, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Photos from the Event

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December 10, 2012