February 18, 2013
CDT Seminar Series – February 18, 2013
The next CDT Seminar will be held Monday, February 18th, at the Petit Science Center in PSC124. Please join us to hear Dr. Jun Yin from the Chemistry Department of the University of Chicago. His talk is entitled “New Frontiers of Chemical Biology – Manipulating Signal Transduction and Natural Product Biosynthesis by Protein Engineering.”
Dr. Jun Yin is from Beijing China and received his Bachelor degree in chemistry at the Peking University. He went to the US for graduate study and got a Master degree in chemistry from the Rutgers University at New Brunswick in New Jersey in 1997. Dr. Yin received his Ph.D. degree in 2003 from the Department of Chemistry of the University of California at Berkeley working on catalytic antibodies with Professor Peter G. Schultz. From August 2003 to July 2006, he was a postdoctoral fellow studying nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) in Professor Christopher T. Walsh’s group at the Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Yin’s independent research started in August 2006 at the University of Chicago. His lab has focused on developing chemical probes and engineered enzymes to label and image cellular proteins, elucidating signal transduction pathways mediated by ubiquitin modification of cellular proteins, and expanding the substrate scopes of NRPS enzymes for the biosynthesis of natural products with diverse structures.
There will be a Meet and Greet at 12:45pm with coffee and cookies.
I look forward to seeing you there,
Jenny J. Yang, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Photos from the Event
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