Atlanta Translational Imaging Consortium (ATIC)

Given the broad use of development of reagents for animal imaging and theronostic research, we are actualizing a broadly distributed center model to catalyze the growth of a collaborative and coherent Atlanta translational research community.

  1. Clark Atlanta University’s Center for Cancer Research and Therapeutic Development CCRTD
  2. Emory University’s Center for Systems Imaging Core
  3. Emory University’s National Primate Research Center
  4. Georgia State\Georgia Tech’s Center for Advanced Brain Imaging


We will establish, expand, and maintain core user accessibility and pool expertise to:

  • Acquire/upgrade cutting edge and complementary equipment (S10 grants)
  • Translate research in development of probes, contrast agents and drug candidates to clinical application
  • Increase access to equipment and expertise
  • Increase capability for data collection and imaging analysis
  • Share animal models and expertise for translational research
  • Increase funding for animal related research
  • Promote education and knowledge exchanges for training and workforce sharing
  • Facilitate hiring and growth in translational research